Anton Bauer Dual Battery Belt

Anton Bauer SO-30/13 Dual Battery Belt
Manufacturer: Anton Bauer
Model Number: SO-30/13
Website (Commercial/Pro): Anton Bauer Commercial Website
Product ID: MP10076
R2 Description: Battery Belt, Anton Bauer SO-30/13
User Manual Download: Anton Bauer Dual Battery Belt
Product ID: MP10076 Category:

MPR Says: “Nice belt, doesn’t match your tie though…”

“John Wayne never looked so cool strutting around with a couple of six shooters- This belt handles two Anton Bauer gold mount batteries for output to cameras or small lights anytime AC is not readily available.”

Product Overview:

The Anton Bauer SO-30/13 powers virtually all portable equipment, inluding 30 volt lights, 12v cameras, VTRs and Ultralight systems. Contructed of a rugged leather belt and Lexan® battery modules. Input/output circuit protection. Multiple charge sensors for safe fast charging.

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