Avenger Long John Silver Stand Rental

Avenger Long John Silver Stand

Manufacturer: Manfrotto
Model Number: B7057FF
Website (Commercial/Pro): Manfrotto

As a grip, the Avenger Long John Silver Stand is a versatile and reliable option for lighting setups on set. Its maximum height of 18 feet allows for a range of lighting configurations, and the sturdy aluminum construction can withstand heavy use and abuse.

One of the standout features of this stand is the leveling leg, which allows for use on uneven surfaces and adds an extra level of stability. The adjustable leg also allows for positioning in tight spaces, making it an ideal choice for smaller sets.

The stand’s quick-release system makes it easy to attach and detach lights quickly, which is especially useful when working on a fast-paced shoot. Additionally, the stand folds up compactly for easy transport and storage.

Overall, the Avenger Long John Silver Stand is a solid choice for grips looking for a reliable and versatile lighting stand that can handle a variety of setups and conditions. Its durability and convenience make it a great investment for any production.Avenger Long John Silver Stand

Product Overview:

The Long John Silver stand has a 260 lbs load capacity, making it suitable for lighting and structural needs, and can reach a maximum height of 18ft, offering versatility and convenience.

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