
Camera Support, CineKinetic CineSaddle
Manufacturer: Cinekinetic
Website (Commercial/Pro): Cinekinetic Commercial Website
Product ID: MP12577
R2 Description: Camera Support, CineKinetic CineSaddle
Alternative Product Name: Cinesaddle
Product ID: MP12577 Categories: ,

Product Overview:

It is saddle shaped so that it will cradle your camera and keep it stable regardless of where it is mounted: car, tree, wall and so on. Filled with small lightweight beads, and supplied with various straps and lash points, it suits a wide range of camera sizes and applications.  Made from high quality waterproof canvas, the Cinesaddle is designed to last a lifetime. It has three pockets. The largest pocket carries the Cinesaddle accessories. These include two sets of straps. A short set and a longer set. There are also four plastic coated stirrups typically used to fit to a car bonnet or bumper. Instructions supplied show various monuting options and secure methods of attachment. The Cinesaddle has four looped ears for attaching these straps. Your camera is fixed to the saddle using a further top strap and buckle. A final note: if you use your Cinesaddle as directed it will become your favourite accessory. It will never weigh you down, pinch your fingers, dent your shoulder or take up excess room. When not being used as a camera mount, you can use it a seat or pillow!

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