Filter – Tiffen 4×5 Satin ½

Tiffen 4×5.65″ Satin 1/2 Water White Glass Camera Filter
Manufacturer: Tiffen
Model Number: W45650SATIN12
Website (Commercial/Pro): Tiffen Commercial Website
Product ID: MP13106
R2 Description: Filter, Tiffen 4×5 Satin 1/2
Alternative Product Name: Tiffen 4×5.65″ Satin 1/2 Water White Glass Camera Filter
Product ID: MP13106 Category: Tag:

Product Overview:

Tiffen’s 4×5.65″ Satin 1/2 Water White Glass Camera Filter is designed with modern digital lenses and camera sensors specifically in mind to enhance the natural beauty of talent with minimal signs of filtration.

Generates a pearlescent halo around highlights

Lighter grades help tone down the excessive sharpness and contrast

Maintains focus

Often used to mute colors for pastel tones

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