Film Gear Rentals Under 10K for Shooting a Commercial in Florida

In our experience, productions are often the living embodiment of Murphy’s Law.  Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Budgets fall short. Schedules go awry, and creative differences abound. And with more than enough to worry about during any kind of shoot, we’ve found that the best producers find ways to minimalize risks. Especially on the ones with budgetary constraints. One of them is to ensure their film gear rentals are as reliable as their crew. So if you’re planning to shoot a commercial in South Florida and are on a tight bud …

Florida Film Festivals

A producer’s job doesn’t end with the wrap party.  Keeping a finger on the pulse of the film festival circuit is an essential part of the process.  With the number of active festivals growing all the time, this can become extremely overwhelming.  For that reason, we’ve created a list of all the upcoming Florida film festival deadlines.  Good luck!


Global Peace Film Festival

Orlando, Florida

September 21-26, 2010


Regular Deadline: Passed

Late Deadline: May 21

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