The Top 5 Reasons You May Need Production Supplies

Moving Picture Rental Production Supplies
MPR Production Supplies

Who would ever think that in addition to all the gear you’ve just rented that you’d also need a truck full of production supplies for your next video production in Miami! Well, we’ve complied a list of the top 5 reasons why you may.


1. Traffic

Safety on set is the most important aspect of any production. Crew are struck by cars every year on film sets throughout the country.  Pedestrian accidents in South Florida are very high so any kind of visual clues will help. And renting traffic safety cones allows the location department to separate traffic from the crew to avoid an accident.

2. Rain

It rains in Miami over 100 days per year usually consisting of short 15-20 minute showers. Then the show must get up and running again.  Pop-up tents are the answer to this dilemma. The grip and lighting department needs pop tents to keep them happy and the grip and lighting gear dry. The camera department needs rental pop up tents because wet camera gear equals large M&D bills at the end of a production! You MUST rent pop-up tents.

3. Heat

Hydration is essential when shooting in Florida where temperatures can reach into the 100’s. Coolers full of fresh water, energy drinks and sodas will come to the rescue. Rental fans are a huge “must have” 9 months out of the year in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Fans not only keep the talent and crew cool but assist in productivity as fans can take the edge off sticky, humid days on an outdoor shoot. Rental fans also keep away  pesky ‘no-see-ums’. Why wouldn’t you just buy a cooler or fan for the week instead of renting ? Because we rent coolers and fans for a fraction of the purchase price!

4. Comfort

We get many last minute calls for tent rentals and table and chair rentals the same day as a film shoot in Fort Lauderdale and Miami because often caterers do not rent tables and chairs. So, ALWAYS check with your caterer beforehand if their delivery includes tables and chairs.

5.  Talent

Makeup rental mirrors impress your celebrity talent.  It says that you respect them and want them to look the best they can! A rental makeup mirror makes all the difference when applying makeup. Treat your talent by renting a makeup mirror. Our rental make up mirrors are the same ones that Hollywood stars rent. They’re LED dimable.

Production Supply Cheat Sheet

Every production could use a basic list of production supplies while shooting in South Florida. Rental of tables, chairs, traffic safety cones, fans, first aid kits, directors chairs, coolers, and Mifis are essential.  Round out your production supply rental for the wardrobe department with rolling wardrobe rack rental, steamers, high directors chairs and clothes hangers. For the location department rent traffic safety cones and work lights. Don’t forget about the camera department and rent camera carts, pop-up tents, mag-liners, etc.

Watching the Bottom Line

Production supply rental has come a long way in the past 10 years. In the past you’d have to buy these production supplies for every commercial or feature film that you made. Now you can just call  Moving Picture Rental and we will deliver all the rental production supplies to you on set.  Then we’ll pick them up when you’re done and make them disappear.  Bottom line, production supply rentals are integral to completing every production in Miami.  They will keep the crew and talent happy, improve safety on the set and help reduce missing and damaged bills at wrap.