AKG CK68 ULS Shotgun Mic

AKG CK68 ULS Shotgun Mic
Manufacturer: AKG
Model Number: CK68-ULS
Website (Commercial/Pro): AKG Commercial Website
Product ID: MP11994
R2 Description: Case, AKG CK68 Shotgun Mic, Soft Quiver Case
User Manual Download: AKG CK68 ULS Shotgun Mic

MPR Says: “Pure High Quality Audio”

“Perfect for film, TV or video and also on interviews with noisy environments. This is an innovation microphone that can be used in a huge range of various applications.”

Product Overview:

This two-part interference tube capsule is a world-first innovation. This unique feature allows the microphone to be used for a wide range of different applications:
The full length tube provides a versatile long shotgun mic long shotgun mic for medium distance sound record in motion picture and TV applications.
Unscrew the front half of the interference tube and the same capsule becomes a short shotgun. It will optimally support film, TV or video close-ups. It will also perform perfectly for interviews in noisy environments.

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