Sennheiser MD46 Mic

Sennheiser MD46 Handheld Mic
Manufacturer: Sennheiser
Model Number: MD46
Website (Commercial/Pro): Sennheiser Commercial Website
Product ID: MP11187
R2 Description: Microphone, Sennheiser MD46 Cardiod Stick Mic
Product ID: MD46 Category:

MPR Says: “All Around Great Mic”

“You’ve seen the mics on news casts for years because their specialty is picking up a single audio source amongst all kinds of background noise. Unfortunately, its not the kind of mic that can be hidden or hung at the end of a pole. Hold it in close proximity to your subject and have them speak up, for red-carpet Q and A or during hurricane force winds “

Product Overview:

Omni microphones tend to pick up everything equally, including background noise. The MD 46 cardioid interview mic focuses on the subject, increasing clarity while reducing background noise. Designed to deliver low handling and wind noise, and to eliminate vocal popping, this microphone gives the ENG team an ideal interview tool.

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