Panasonic Battery Charger

Panasonic PV-DAC11A Li-ion Battery Charger
Manufacturer: Panasonic
Model Number: PV-DAC11A
Website (Commercial/Pro): Panasonic Commercial Website
Product ID: MP11259
R2 Description: Panasonic BatteryCharger
Product ID: MP11259 Category:

MPR Says: “Panasonics Perfect Charger”

“This is a perfectly good charger and very simple to use. It travels nicely, convenient to have wherever you are. Fast charge and it’s great if you’re doing long, continuous shooting. Having this charger really comes in handy. The useful light on it indicates when it’s fully charged. Excellent item and will make your life easier.”

Included Accessories:

Product Overview:

Compatible models include: PV-GS15, PV-GS14, PV-GS12, PV-GS9, PV-DV953, PV-DV203, PV-DV103, PV-DV73, PV-DV53, PV-VM202, PV-DV952, PV-DV852, PV-DV702, PV-DV602, PV-DV402, PV-DV202, PV-DV102, PV-DV52

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