Sound Devices 302 Mixer

Sound Devices 302 3-Channel Field Mixer
Manufacturer: Sound Devices
Model Number: CS-302
Website (Commercial/Pro): Sound Devices Commercial Website
Product ID: MP10032
R2 Description: Audio Mixer, 3-Channel, Sound Devices 302
User Manual Download: Sound Devices 302 Mixer

MPR Says: “Basic Necessity”

“For simple run-and-gun audio jobs this mixer is perfect. Super small and lightweight, it is perfect for those boom and two lav jobs being recorded to the camera ENG-style.”

Product Overview:

Developed specifically for audio-for-picture applications, the 302 mixer is the perfect tool for production companies and camera operators wanting to take control of their audio. The 302 is stunning for its size, flexibility, control and performance; it is the most compact and cost-effective battery-powered professional audio mixer in its class.

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