To Convert or not to Convert – A Guide to Video Mini-Converters. (Part 1 of 2)

There are many tools available to assist with viewing, processing, or converting digital video, but few have the versatility or reliability of the AJA line of mini-converters.  This usage guide isn’t a comprehensive list of features and capabilities of all the AJA converters.  However, I will be presenting some commonly confronted video conundrums and how to solve them with the proper AJA converter.

1. My camera has only an HD-SDI output, but my monitors only have a standard definition (SD) “VIDEO” input.





Production Tip: Emailing Large Files

A frustrating moment for many of us, in the constantly mobile environment that is the film and television industry, is finding yourself in some remote location and needing to send or receive emails with over-sized attachments. Sometimes your editor has a roughcut that needs to be approved on set, the music video’s soundtrack has changed or the template you use to storyboard has gone missing – but with the limits imposed by your email provider, you can’t always get what you need. There are several programs available to help circumvent the proces …