California Sunbounce SunSwatter Rental

California Sunbounce SunSwatter Translucent Textile with 2/3 Stop Light Reduction

Manufacturer: Sunbounce
Model Number: 5350SSW
Website (Commercial/Pro): Sunbounce Commercial Website

MPR Says:

SunSwatters do just that. You put them on a pole and use it like a giant fly swatter knocking down the tough intensity of that High Noon overhead harsh light.

You do not want to buy or spend money on a product that isn’t going to give you the best possible quality. This is quite an investment so some will want to rent in Miami before buying. 

The SunSwatter has crossbars just like the California Sunbounce has. It ensures that no matter what size you’re  using you will have that tension throughout the entire material to give that even diffused quality to your light.

One unique thing is the actual SunSwatter apparatus. It comes with an extension pole that connects to the bracket and it gives that flyswatter kind of looking tool. This is really unique because most of the time when you’re working with large diffusion panels you’re going to require a bracket on either side and at least two light stands to get that thing held up in the air over your subject. 

We’ve got maximum quality with the design of the crossbars and maximum control with the dual  strap system. Quality and control means that you can run just about anywhere and have an assistant fly this over. No need for light stands and heavy sandbags. Set up in a matter of minutes and you’re out there shooting with beautiful soft light on your subjects. The actual pole itself it’s spring-loaded so that it’s not gonna smash down and crush any fingers or pinch you when your assistant is working with it on location.

It’s also really really long so if you’ve got a higher shot you can boom this over your subject. You’ve got plenty of distance or lengths to do that and there’s also padded materials which make it comfortable to hold for long term.

One of the biggest hurdles that we find shooting on location with any kind of reflectors or scrims is the wind. There’s a unique design element in the SunSwatter. When we find ourselves on those windy days rather than tearing your material, it’s actually designed to flip and by flipping over the wind will catch it and flip it over and then really quickly and easily you can just grab it and put it right back into position. So by designing the SunSwatter to work with the wind rather than fighting against it, it’s going to be a lot easier on the equipment itself and you or your assistant.

Rental hire of the SunSwatter in Miami can help you make that all important purchase the right one!

Product Overview:

• This textile is the robust, standard diffusion material for soft light. The Translucent 2/3 textile softens and reduces the light by about 2/3 of an f/stop. It will cut the highlight / shadow contrast considerably. In any size, the effect is a good basic photographic light for either film or digital. This truly is the all purpose and daily use workhorse.
• All the Screens and Bags are made from the finest reflective and translucent materials available worldwide. The Sunbounce SYSTEM III½ is your only choice. Whatever or wherever you want to shoot, do not accept any limitations.

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