In our experience, productions are often the living embodiment of Murphy’s Law. Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Budgets fall short. Schedules go awry, and creative differences abound. And with more than enough to worry about during any kind of shoot, we’ve found that the best producers find ways to minimalize risks. Especially on the ones with budgetary constraints. One of them is to ensure their film gear rentals are as reliable as their crew. So if you’re planning to shoot a commercial in South Florida and are on a tight bud …
Tag: crew
Holiday Gift Guide for Filmmakers and Crew
Filmmakers can be a tough crowd when it comes to buying gifts. They are an esoteric group, and I should know, I’m one of them! But as experienced filmmakers Moving Picture Rental has some hints since we use these products daily and monthly, some of them for many years. And what’s a better gift to a production friend or family member, than an item that’ll enhance and help them do what they do best! BTW, we’re not receiving any compensation for our product picks. We’re just doing it for fun and to pay it forward.
Gerber Suspension Mu …
Florida Film Incentives
With budget cuts over the past five years, Florida film tax incentives have taken a hit. After a reduction from $25 million available in 2007 down to $5 million in 2008 then up again to $10.8 million this year, visiting productions to the Sunshine State have varied in volume and become increasingly scarce. As other states have pushed to get in on the $60 billion U.S. film industry, Florida now more than ever needs to reclaim its title as a film production heavyweight.
Florida’s Office of Film & Entertainment (Tallahassee, FL) pro …